The macro below does the following:
- It first checks the names of the worksheets in your workbook
- if they begin with the letters "Sheet" It then renames them to the months of the year.
- If there aren’t sufficient sheets in the workbook, it adds sheets, as necessary, for each month of the year.
Sub DoMonths()
Dim J As Integer
Dim K As Integer
For J = 1 To 12
If J <= Sheets.Count Then
If Left(Sheets(J).Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then
Sheets(J).Name = MonthName(J)
Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = MonthName(J)
End If
Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = MonthName(J)
End If
Next J
For J = 1 To 12
If Sheets(J).Name <> MonthName(J) Then
For K = J + 1 To Sheets.Count
If Sheets(K).Name = MonthName(J) Then
Sheets(K).Move Before:=Sheets(J)
End If
Next K
End If
Next J
End Sub
The final step in the macro is that it organizes the worksheets in the correct order for the months 1 through 12. If you have any other worksheets that do not begin with the word "Sheet", then these sheets end up at the end of the workbook, after the sheets for the 12 months.